Meaning and origin of the name Geraldine

Gender: Female
Also available in French,

Geraldine is used in

Switzerland Philippines Mexico France

Countries where Geraldine has name day

Geraldine is present in the name day calendar in France and Geraldine's name day is May 29.


Geraldine is a feminine given name of English origin. It is derived from the Germanic name Gerward, composed of the elements "ger" meaning "spear" and "ward" meaning "protector". The name Geraldine has a strong and powerful meaning, symbolizing someone who is a defender or protector.

In addition to its English roots, the name Geraldine gained popularity in Ireland due to its association with the FitzGerald family, an influential Irish noble family. It has since become a beloved name in various English-speaking countries.

Those named Geraldine are often described as caring, nurturing, and reliable individuals who are always ready to support and protect their loved ones. The name carries a sense of strength and loyalty, making it a timeless choice for parents seeking a classic and meaningful name for their child.

If you know a Geraldine, consider yourself fortunate to have someone in your life who embodies the qualities of a true protector and guardian. The name Geraldine continues to be a cherished name with a rich history and a profound meaning.
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