Usage, description and more for Gilvinas

    Origin: LT Lithuania
Also available in Lithuanian,

Gilvinas is used in


Countries where Gilvinas has name day

Gilvinas has a name day in LTLithuania and Gilvinas's next name day is May 19.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Gilvinas

The name Gilvinas is of Lithuanian origin and is derived from the Lithuanian word "gilus," which means deep, profound, or thoughtful. The name carries connotations of wisdom, introspection, and insight.


The name Gilvinas is a unique and rare name that is not widely used outside of Lithuania. It is a combination of the Lithuanian word "gilus" and the suffix "-vinas," which is a common ending for male names in Lithuania.

Personality Traits

Individuals named Gilvinas are often known for their deep thinking, analytical skills, and intellectual curiosity. They have a natural inclination towards seeking knowledge and understanding the world around them.

Famous Namesakes

While the name Gilvinas may not be well-known in popular culture, individuals bearing this name are likely to stand out for their unique and profound perspectives on life.

In conclusion, the name Gilvinas is a meaningful and insightful name that reflects the depth and wisdom of those who bear it. Its Lithuanian roots add a touch of cultural richness and uniqueness to the name.