Usage, description and more for Giusta
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Countries where Giusta has name day
Giusta has a name day in
Italy and Giusta's next name day is July 18.
Origin and Meaning of the Name Giusta
Origin: Italian
Meaning: The name Giusta is of Italian origin and is derived from the Latin word "iustus," which means "just" or "righteous." It is a name that conveys qualities such as fairness, integrity, and moral correctness.
In Italian culture, the name Giusta is often associated with individuals who have a strong sense of justice and strive to do what is right in all situations. People named Giusta are believed to be honest, dependable, and trustworthy. The name reflects virtues that are highly valued in society.
If you know someone named Giusta, you can be sure that they prioritize fairness and uphold ethical principles in their actions. The name serves as a reminder of the importance of being just and true to oneself and others.