Meaning and origin of the name Giẽdrius

Gender: Male
Also available in Lithuanian,

Giẽdrius is used in


Countries where Giẽdrius has name day

Giẽdrius is present in the name day calendar in Lithuania and Giẽdrius's name day is April 17.


Giedrius is a Lithuanian name that is derived from the Lithuanian word "giedras," which means "clear" or "pure." This name is most commonly used in Lithuania and holds significance in Lithuanian culture.


The name Giedrius has its roots in the Baltic region, specifically Lithuania. It reflects the cultural and linguistic heritage of the Lithuanian people.


The name Giedrius is associated with qualities such as clarity, purity, and brightness. It conveys a sense of freshness and sincerity, symbolizing a clear and pure essence.


In Lithuania, Giedrius is a relatively common name for boys. It is a traditional name that has been passed down through generations, reflecting the enduring cultural values of the Lithuanian people.

Overall, the name Giedrius carries a sense of positivity and virtue, making it a meaningful choice for parents seeking a name with a deep cultural and linguistic heritage.
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