Meaning and origin of the name Gratia

Gratia is used in


Countries where Gratia has name day

Gratia is present in the name day calendar in Germany and Gratia's name day is June 9.
Gratia is present in the name day calendar in Germany and Gratia's name day is August 21.


Origin: The name Gratia has Latin origins and is derived from the Latin word "gratia" which means "grace" or "favor".

Meaning: Gratia carries the beautiful meaning of grace or favor, symbolizing elegance, kindness, and blessings.

Nameday: The name Gratia does not have a specific nameday, but it is celebrated by those who cherish its significance throughout the year.

If you have a loved one named Gratia, this name serves as a reminder of the beauty and grace they bring into your life.

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