Meaning and origin of the name Gundolf

Gundolf is used in


Countries where Gundolf has name day

Gundolf is present in the name day calendar in Austria and Gundolf's name day is September 6.


Gundolf is a Germanic name with origins dating back to medieval times. The name is derived from the elements "gund," meaning "battle," and "wolf," representing "wolf." In combination, Gundolf signifies a warrior or a fighter with the bravery and strength symbolized by the wolf. It carries a powerful and noble connotation, often associated with courage and resilience.

The name Gundolf embodies characteristics of valor and determination, making it a fitting choice for those seeking a name with a strong and fearless essence. With its rich historical background and unique sound, Gundolf stands out as a distinctive and memorable name choice for individuals looking to convey a sense of bravery and fortitude.
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