Meaning and origin of the name Hassanain

Gender: Male

Hassanain is used in



Hassanain is a unique and meaningful name of Arabic origin. It is a variant of the name "Hasan", which means "handsome" or "good" in Arabic. The name carries a sense of charm and positivity, often associated with qualities such as kindness, generosity, and beauty.


The name Hassanain traces its roots back to the Arabic language, where it has been used for centuries. It is a popular name in various Arabic-speaking countries and among Muslim communities around the world.


The name Hassanain embodies positive attributes and is often given to boys with the hope that they will grow up to be good-looking, kind-hearted, and virtuous individuals. It reflects the desire of parents to bestow blessings and good qualities upon their child.

Overall, Hassanain is a name that carries a sense of grace and virtue, making it a popular choice for families looking for a name that conveys positive attributes and aspirations for their child.
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