Usage, description and more for Heinrich

Gender: Male     Origin: DE Germany
Also available in German,

Heinrich is used in

ATAustria CHSwitzerland DEGermany

Countries where Heinrich has name day

Heinrich has a name day in ATAustria and Heinrich's next name day is June 10.
Heinrich has a name day in DEGermany and Heinrich's next name day is November 11.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Heinrich

Heinrich is a Germanic name that originates from the Old High German name "Heimirich," composed of the elements "heim" meaning "home" and "ric" meaning "ruler" or "power." Therefore, the name Heinrich carries the meaning of "ruler of the household" or "powerful ruler."

Popularity and Usage

The name Heinrich has been a common name in German-speaking countries for centuries. It has a strong and noble sound, making it a popular choice for boys. While it may not be as common in English-speaking regions, it is still well-recognized and respected.


In some Germanic cultures, Heinrich may have a designated nameday, a day in the calendar when individuals with the name celebrate. Namedays are often based on historical or religious figures associated with the name.