Meaning and origin of the name Helja

Also available in Estonian,

Helja is used in

Estonia Finland

Countries where Helja has name day

Helja is present in the name day calendar in Estonia and Helja's name day is May 31.
Helja is present in the name day calendar in Finland and Helja's name day is Februari 20.


Origin: Finnish
Meaning: The name Helja is of Finnish origin and is derived from the word "helmi," which means "pearl." The name Helja is a beautiful and unique choice for a baby girl, symbolizing something precious and valuable.

In Finnish culture, names are often chosen for their meanings and significance. Helja is a name that conveys elegance and beauty, making it a popular choice among parents looking for a name with a touch of sophistication.

If you are considering the name Helja for your daughter, you can be sure that it carries a sense of grace and charm that will make her stand out. Whether used in Finland or elsewhere, Helja is a lovely name with a rich cultural heritage.

In Finland, namedays are celebrated based on the calendar of saints, but Helja may not have a specific nameday. However, the beauty and meaning of the name Helja make it a special choice for any day of the year.
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