Meaning and origin of the name Hermod

Hermod is used in


Countries where Hermod has name day

Hermod is present in the name day calendar in Norway and Hermod's name day is January 29.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Hermod

The name Hermod originates from Norse mythology, specifically from the ancient Norse language. In Norse mythology, Hermod is a brave and loyal god known for his role in going to the underworld to try and bring back the soul of Balder, the beloved god of light. The name Hermod is derived from the Old Norse elements "her," meaning "army," and "moðr," meaning "mind" or "spirit." Therefore, the name Hermod can be interpreted to mean "warrior's spirit" or "brave mind."

In modern times, the name Hermod is not as common but carries a strong and noble connotation due to its mythological origins. It can be a unique and powerful choice for parents looking for a name with a rich history and a sense of courage and strength. While Hermod may not have a specific nameday associated with it, its connection to Norse mythology adds an intriguing and mystical element to the name, making it a distinctive choice for those seeking a name with character and depth.
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