नाम का अर्थ और उत्पत्ति Aditi

लिंग: महिला    मिथक: Hindu

यह नाम (हिन्दी) में प्रयोग किया जाता है।


नाम: अदिति


अदिति एक संस्कृत शब्द है जिसका उत्पत्ति सुन्दरता और शक्तिशाली आकांक्षाओं के संयोजन से हुआ है। यह नाम सर्वोच्च देवी अदिति से भी जुड़ा है, जो सूर्य की मां कहलाती है।


अदिति का अर्थ है 'अद्वितीय', 'अमूल्य', 'असीम' या 'अनंत'। यह नाम एकता और शक्ति की प्रतीक है जो व्यक्ति के चरित्र और स्वभाव में विचारशीलता और साहस को दर्शाता है।

अदिति नाम के धरने वाले व्यक्ति आकर्षक, स्वतंत्र और साहसी होते हैं। इस नाम के साथ जुड़ी मान्यताएं यो


Aditi in Hindu Mythology

In Hindu mythology, Aditi is a revered goddess who is often referred to as the mother of all gods. She is considered the personification of the infinite and boundless sky. The name Aditi means "limitless" or "boundless" in Sanskrit, emphasizing her vast and all-encompassing nature.

The Mother of Gods

Aditi is depicted as a nurturing and protective figure, embodying the qualities of motherhood and creation. She is often associated with fertility, abundance, and the life-giving forces of the universe. As the mother of the Adityas, the celestial deities, she is revered for her role in sustaining the cosmic order.

Symbolism and Significance

Aditi is symbolized as the infinite expanse of the sky, representing the vastness and eternity of the universe. She is also associated with the concept of unbounded freedom and the idea of limitless possibilities. Her presence is believed to bring blessings and protection to those who invoke her name.

Mythological Stories

In various Hindu scriptures and myths, Aditi plays a central role in the divine narrative. She is often praised for her selflessness, compassion, and unwavering devotion to her children and creation. Her resilience and strength serve as an inspiration for devotees seeking guidance and support.

Devotional Practices

Devotees of Aditi often offer prayers and rituals to honor her as the mother of all beings. By invoking her name and seeking her blessings, believers hope to receive protection, prosperity, and spiritual nourishment. Many temples and shrines dedicated to Aditi serve as sacred spaces for worship and meditation.


Aditi stands as a symbol of maternal love, cosmic unity, and divine grace in Hindu mythology. Her presence reminds us of the interconnectedness of all life forms and the eternal nature of the universe. By venerating Aditiइस पृष्ठ के बाद सामान्य खोजें हैं
नाम का अर्थ Aditi - नाम की उत्पत्ति Aditi - पहला नाम Aditi -