Meaning and origin of the name Hisayo

Gender: Female

Hisayo is used in


Origin and Meaning of the Name Hisayo

The name Hisayo is of Japanese origin. In Japanese culture, names hold significant meaning and symbolism. The name Hisayo is a beautiful name often given to baby girls in Japan.


The name Hisayo is composed of two Japanese characters. The first character "Hisa" means "longevity" or "eternity," while the second character "yo" means "world" or "generation." Therefore, the name Hisayo can be interpreted to mean "eternal world" or "generation of longevity."

In Japanese culture, names are chosen with care and thought, often reflecting the parents' wishes and aspirations for their child. The name Hisayo embodies positive attributes such as longevity, eternal beauty, and a bright future. Its melodic sound and deep meaning make it a popular choice for baby girls in Japan.
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