Meaning and origin of the name Holda

Holda is used in


Countries where Holda has name day

Holda is present in the name day calendar in Austria and Holda's name day is April 10.


Origin: Germanic
Meaning: Derived from the Germanic word "huld," which means "gracious" or "friendly."

Holda is a charming name of Germanic origin that exudes a sense of grace and friendliness. The name is derived from the Germanic word "huld," which carries the beautiful meaning of "gracious" or "friendly." Holda has a timeless appeal and a gentle sound that makes it a lovely choice for a baby girl. Embracing Holda as a name for your child may symbolize the qualities of kindness, warmth, and generosity. With its rich linguistic roots and positive connotations, Holda is a name that carries a sense of elegance and sweetness.
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