Meaning and origin of the name Hyuk-jae

Gender: Male

Hyuk-jae is used in


Origin and Meaning of the Name Hyuk-jae

The name Hyuk-jae is of Korean origin. In Korean culture, names are significant as they often reflect the qualities parents hope their children will embody.

Meaning of the Name:

The name Hyuk-jae consists of two parts. "Hyuk" means "bright" or "radiant," symbolizing positivity and light. "Jae" means "talented" or "excellent," signifying skill and proficiency. Therefore, Hyuk-jae can be interpreted as "bright and talented" or "radiant excellence."

In Korean society, names are chosen with care and thought, aiming to set a positive path for the child's future. Hyuk-jae is a name that carries a sense of brightness and excellence, suggesting a promising and capable individual.
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