Meaning and origin of the name Hân

Gender: Male Female

Hân is used in

Netherlands Thailand Vietnam China

Origin and Meaning of the Name Han

The name Han is of Chinese origin, commonly used for both boys and girls. In Chinese, the name Han (韩) can mean "Korean" or "leader." It is also a common surname in China and Korea.

Popularity and Variants

The name Han may have variants in different cultures, such as Hahn in Korean or Hans in Germanic languages. While not as common as some other names, Han has a simple and elegant sound that appeals to many parents seeking a unique yet meaningful name for their child.

Famous Namesakes

Throughout history and across different fields, there have been notable individuals with the name Han. Whether in art, science, or politics, those named Han have left their mark on the world.

Personality Traits

Individuals named Han are often described as intelligent, determined, and charismatic. They tend to be natural leaders with a strong sense of responsibility and a desire to achieve their goals.

Overall Impression

In summary, the name Han carries a sense of strength and elegance. Its simplicity and cultural significance make it a distinctive choice for those looking for a name with character and meaning.
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