Meaning and origin of the name Häidi

Gender: Female
Also available in Estonian,

Häidi is used in

Algeria Estonia

Countries where Häidi has name day

Häidi is present in the name day calendar in Estonia and Häidi's name day is October 15.


Origin and Meaning

The name Häidi is of Swiss-German origin and is a variant of the name Heidi. It is derived from the Germanic name Adelheid, which consists of the elements "adel" meaning noble and "heid" meaning kind or type. Therefore, Häidi can be interpreted to mean "noble kind" or "noble type." This name carries with it a sense of grace, elegance, and nobility.


While the name Häidi may not be as common as its variant Heidi, it still holds a unique charm and appeal. Its rarity adds to its distinctiveness, making it a special choice for parents looking for a name that stands out.

Celebrities with the Name

There may not be many well-known figures with the name Häidi, but individuals who bear this name are sure to carry its significance with pride. With its rich meaning and origins, Häidi is a name that exudes a sense of strength and sophistication.


In conclusion, the name Häidi is a beautiful and meaningful choice for those seeking a name that embodies nobility and kindness. Its unique Swiss-German origin sets it apart, giving it a special allure that is sure to make it a standout name for any individual bearing it.
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