Meaning and origin of the name Häili

Also available in Estonian,

Häili is used in


Countries where Häili has name day

Häili is present in the name day calendar in Estonia and Häili's name day is Mars 3.
Häili is present in the name day calendar in Estonia and Häili's name day is October 27.


Haili is a beautiful and unique name of Hawaiian origin. In Hawaiian, Haili means "remembered with joy" or "to remember fondly." This name carries a sense of nostalgia and happiness, making it a lovely choice for a baby girl.

In Hawaiian culture, names often hold deep significance and are chosen to reflect qualities or values that parents wish to bestow upon their child. Haili is a name that embodies warmth, love, and cherished memories. Its melodic sound and positive meaning make it a wonderful option for parents seeking a name with both cultural roots and a heartfelt message.

If you're considering Haili as a name for your daughter, you're selecting a name that is not only unique and visually appealing but also rich in meaning and history. Embrace the beauty of Haili and the joy it represents, creating a special connection to Hawaiian heritage and the power of reminiscence.
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