Meaning and origin of the name Hércules

Gender: Male     Origin: Greek    Mythology: Greek
Also available in Greek,

Hércules is used in

Greece Brazil Portugal

Countries where Hércules has name day

Hércules is present in the name day calendar in Greece and Hércules's name day is April 6.


Origin: Hércules is a name of Greek origin.


In Greek mythology, Hércules (Heracles in Greek) was a divine hero known for his strength and courage. The name is derived from the combination of the words "hera," the name of Zeus' wife, and "kleos," which means glory or fame. Therefore, the name Hércules can be interpreted as "glory of Hera" or "Hera's renowned one." The name signifies power, bravery, and honor, reflecting the legendary feats and adventures of the mythological hero. Today, Hércules remains a strong and impactful name that carries a sense of valor and resilience.


Hércules in Greek Mythology

Hércules, known in Roman mythology as Hercules, is one of the most renowned figures in Greek mythology. He was the son of Zeus, the king of the gods, and Alcmene, a mortal woman.

The Twelve Labors

Hércules is best known for his Twelve Labors, tasks assigned to him as punishment for killing his wife and children in a fit of madness induced by Hera, Zeus' wife and Hércules' stepmother. The Labors included defeating the Nemean Lion, capturing the Golden Hind, and cleaning the Augean stables.

Divine Origins

As the son of Zeus, Hércules possessed extraordinary strength and courage. His divine heritage made him a hero among mortals and a favorite of the gods despite the hardships he faced.

Legacy and Influence

The tales of Hércules have inspired countless works of art, literature, and film throughout history. His image as a symbol of strength, perseverance, and overcoming obstacles continues to resonate with people around the world.


After completing his Twelve Labors and achieving great feats, Hércules was granted immortality and became a deity on Mount Olympus. He serves as a reminder of the triumph of the human spirit and the enduring power of myth and legend.

From his humble origins as a mortal hero to his ascension as a god, Hércules embodies the essence of Greek mythology and continues to captivate audiences with his epic adventures and enduring legacy.
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