Meaning and origin of the name Ilo‎

Gender: Male
Also available in Estonian,

Ilo‎ is used in

Bulgaria Estonia Finland

Countries where Ilo‎ has name day

Ilo‎ is present in the name day calendar in Estonia and Ilo‎'s name day is November 18.


Origin: The name Ilo is of Finnish origin.


The name Ilo is a unique and charming name that means "joy" or "happiness" in Finnish. It carries a positive and uplifting connotation, symbolizing the essence of joy and delight.

Ilo is a delightful choice for parents seeking a name that exudes happiness and positivity. It is a name that can bring a sense of cheerfulness and brightness to any individual who bears it. The simplicity and beauty of the name Ilo make it a wonderful option for a child, embodying the essence of joy and contentment.

If you choose the name Ilo for your child, you are selecting a name that encapsulates the spirit of happiness and optimism. It is a name that can inspire a cheerful outlook on life and bring a sense of joy to those around you.
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