Meaning and origin of the name Immy

Gender: Male

Immy is used in

Saudi Arabia

Origin and Meaning of the Name Immy

The name Immy is of English origin and is typically used as a short form or nickname for longer names such as Imogen or Emily. Immy carries the meaning of "industrious" or "hardworking," reflecting the positive qualities associated with this name.

In addition to its English roots, Immy can also be found in other cultures as a variation of different names. It is a charming and endearing name that exudes a sense of warmth and friendliness.

Whether as a standalone name or as a nickname, Immy is a lovely choice that conveys a sense of diligence and dedication. Its simplicity adds to its appeal, making it a popular choice for those seeking a sweet and timeless name for their child.

Overall, Immy is a versatile name with a rich history and a meaningful significance, making it a wonderful choice for anyone looking for a name that is both classic and modern at the same time.
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