Meaning and origin of the name Inara

Gender: Female

Inara is used in

Switzerland Latvia

Countries where Inara has name day

Inara is present in the name day calendar in Latvia and Inara's name day is May 12.


Inara is a beautiful and unique name of Middle Eastern origin. It is believed to have roots in ancient Persian mythology, where Inara was a goddess of the wild and of fertility. The name itself is thought to mean "ray of light" or "shining light," symbolizing brightness and warmth.

In modern times, Inara has gained popularity as a baby name chosen by parents looking for a name that carries a sense of grace and strength. With its rich cultural heritage and positive connotations, Inara is a name that resonates with many people around the world.

If you are considering naming your child Inara, know that you are choosing a name with a deep history and a powerful meaning. It is a name that is sure to stand out and leave a lasting impression wherever it is heard.
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