Meaning and origin of the name Iren

Gender: Female
Also available in Hungarian, Norwegian Bokmål,

Iren is used in

Hungary Norway

Countries where Iren has name day

Iren is present in the name day calendar in Hungary and Iren's name day is Mars 25.
Iren is present in the name day calendar in Hungary and Iren's name day is June 28.


Origin: Irén is a Hungarian name that is derived from the Greek name Irene.


The name Irén is a variation of the name Irene, which means "peace" in Greek. It carries the beautiful connotation of tranquility and harmony.

In Hungarian culture, the name Irén is often associated with qualities such as grace, serenity, and kindness.

Nameday: Irén may not have a specific nameday, as it is not as commonly celebrated as some other names. However, it is a lovely name that holds a special meaning for those who bear it.
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