Usage, description and more for Irina

Gender: Female    Origin: RU Russia
Also available in Bulgarian, German, Estonian, Finnish, Lithuanian, Latvian, Norwegian Bokmål, Russian, Ukrainian,

Irina is used in

BGBulgaria ATAustria CHSwitzerland EEEstonia FIFinland LTLithuania LVLatvia MKNorth Macedonia NONorway RORomania BYBelarus SISlovenia rsSerbia UAUkraine

Countries where Irina has name day

Irina has a name day in BGBulgaria and Irina's next name day is May 5.
Irina has a name day in ATAustria and Irina's next name day is April 1.
Irina has a name day in FIFinland and Irina's next name day is April 5.
Irina has a name day in LVLatvia and Irina's next name day is May 13.
Irina has a name day in RORomania and Irina's next name day is April 16.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Irina

The name Irina is of Greek origin, derived from the name "Eirene" which means "peace". In Russian and other Slavic languages, Irina is a variant of the name "Irene". The name is often associated with qualities such as calmness, harmony, and tranquility.

Popularity and Usage

Irina is a popular name in various countries, including Russia, Ukraine, and Romania. It is a timeless and elegant name that has been used for centuries. Many famous individuals bear the name Irina, adding to its appeal and popularity.

Celebrities with the Name Irina

Several well-known figures are named Irina, including supermodel Irina Shayk, actress Irina Baeva, and tennis player Irina-Camelia Begu. These individuals have brought recognition to the name Irina through their success in various fields.

Famous Characters Named Irina

In literature and film, characters named Irina are often depicted as strong, independent women with a sense of inner peace and resilience. These characters embody the essence of the name Irina and showcase its positive connotations.

Overall, the name Irina carries a sense of grace and serenity, making it a popular choice for parents seeking a meaningful and beautiful name for their child.