Meaning and origin of the name Irùtė

Gender: Female
Also available in Lithuanian,

Irùtė is used in


Origin and Meaning of the Name Irùtė

Irùtė is a name of Lithuanian origin.

The name Irùtė is a variant of the name "Irena", which is derived from the Greek name "Ειρήνη" (Eirene) meaning "peace". In Lithuanian culture, the name Irùtė is associated with harmony, tranquility, and peace. It is a name that reflects qualities of calmness and serenity.

Personality Traits:
Individuals named Irùtė are often perceived as peaceful, compassionate, and harmonious. They have a calming presence and are known for their ability to bring tranquility to those around them. Irùtės are empathetic individuals who value peace and strive to create a harmonious environment in their relationships.

Celebrities with the Name Irùtė:
As a unique and meaningful name, Irùtė may not be commonly found among celebrities. However, individuals with this name often carry themselves with grace and poise, embodying the peaceful essence of their name.

Overall, the name Irùtė symbolizes inner peace and harmony, making it a beautiful and meaningful choice for individuals who value tranquility and serenity in their lives.
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