Meaning and origin of the name Isadore

Gender: Female

Isadore is used in

Unknown Region


Isadore is a name of Greek origin that means "gift of Isis." The name is derived from the Greek elements "isos," meaning equal, and "doron," meaning gift. In ancient Greek mythology, Isis was a powerful goddess associated with motherhood, magic, and fertility.

The name Isadore has a rich history and has been used in various cultures over the years. It is a unique and timeless name that carries a sense of strength and grace. Isadore is a popular choice for parents looking for a name with a touch of history and mythology.

If you are considering the name Isadore for your child, you can take comfort in its beautiful meaning and the sense of tradition it carries. Isadore is a name that is sure to stand out and make a statement wherever it goes.
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