Meaning and origin of the name Isidore

Gender: Male

Isidore is used in

United Kingdom France

Countries where Isidore has name day

Isidore is present in the name day calendar in France and Isidore's name day is April 4.

Isidore: Origin and Meaning

Isidore is a name of Greek origin, derived from the elements "isos" meaning "equal" and "doros" meaning "gift". The name carries the beautiful meaning of "gift of Isis" or "gift of God". It has a rich history and is associated with several saints and notable figures.

Usage and Popularity

The name Isidore has been used across different cultures and countries. While it may not be as common today, it holds a sense of uniqueness and charm. The name has a timeless quality that appeals to those looking for a traditional yet uncommon name for their child.

Famous Namesakes

Several notable individuals have borne the name Isidore throughout history. Saint Isidore of Seville, a scholar and theologian, is one of the most famous bearers of the name. His contributions to education and knowledge are highly regarded. Additionally, there have been artists, writers, and other figures who have carried the name, adding to its legacy.

Pronunciation and Variants

The name Isidore is typically pronounced as "IZ-?-dawr" in English. Variants of the name exist in different languages, such as Isidoro in Spanish and Italian, and Izidor in Slovak and Slovenian.


In some traditions, Isidore may have a designated nameday to honor the saints or figures associated with the name. Celebrating one's nameday is a special occasion in certain cultures, akin to a birthday celebration.

Overall, Isidore is a name with a deep-rooted history and an enduring appeal, making it a meaningful choice for those seeking a name with significance and character.
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