Meaning and origin of the name Ivaylo‎

Gender: Male
Also available in Bulgarian,

Ivaylo‎ is used in


Countries where Ivaylo‎ has name day

Ivaylo‎ is present in the name day calendar in Bulgaria and Ivaylo‎'s name day is January 7.


Origin: Ivaylo is a name of Bulgarian origin.


The name Ivaylo is derived from the Old Bulgarian word "iv" which means "will" or "desire". When combined with the suffix "-il", it forms the name Ivaylo, which can be interpreted as "one with a strong will" or "one who desires strongly".

In Bulgarian history, Ivaylo is also the name of a prominent ruler known as Ivaylo the Cabbage (Ivaylo Voinikov), who was a peasant who rose to power and became a popular leader during the late 13th century.

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