Usage, description and more for Jaap
Gender: Male
Also available in
Jaap is used in
South Africa
Countries where Jaap has name day
Jaap has a name day in
Estonia and Jaap's next name day is July 25.
Origin and Meaning of the Name Jaap
The name Jaap is of Dutch origin and is a diminutive of the name Jacob, which means "supplanter" in Hebrew. It is a common name in the Netherlands and is often used as a short form of Jacob or Jacobus.
Popularity and Usage
In the Netherlands, Jaap is a popular name for boys, especially among the Dutch-speaking population. It is a classic and timeless name that has been used for generations.
Famous Bearers
Several notable individuals bear the name Jaap, including Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, a former Secretary-General of NATO, and Jaap Stam, a retired Dutch footballer who played for clubs such as Manchester United and AC Milan.
While there is no specific nameday associated with the name Jaap, it is a cherished name among families celebrating the birth of a son or a loved one named Jaap.
Overall, Jaap is a strong and traditional name with a rich history and a timeless appeal.