Meaning and origin of the name Jamshid

Gender: Male

Jamshid is used in


Origin and Meaning of the Name Jamshid

Jamshid is a Persian name with ancient origins. It is derived from the Avestan name "Yima Khshaeta," which means "shining Jam." In Persian mythology, Jamshid was a legendary king and prophet known for his wisdom and ability to see the future.

Meaning of the Name

The name Jamshid is associated with qualities such as wisdom, foresight, and enlightenment. It symbolizes leadership and vision, reflecting the legendary king's characteristics in Persian folklore.


While not as common as some other Persian names, Jamshid continues to be used in Iran and among Persian-speaking communities around the world. It carries a sense of tradition and cultural heritage.

Celebrities and Historical Figures

Throughout Persian history, there have been notable figures named Jamshid who have left their mark on literature, art, and politics. Their legacy adds to the significance of the name and its enduring appeal.

Overall, Jamshid is a name steeped in history and mythology, embodying virtues that resonate with many individuals. Its unique sound and rich symbolism make it a distinctive choice for those seeking a name with depth and meaning.
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