Usage, description and more for Janine
Gender: Female
Origin: French
Also available in
Janine is used in
New Zealand
United States
Countries where Janine has name day
Janine has a name day in
Austria and Janine's next name day is August 17.
Origin and Meaning of the Name Janine
The name Janine is of Hebrew origin and is a variant of the name Janet. It is a diminutive form of Jane, which means "God is gracious" or "gift from God". The name has been popular in various cultures and is often used as a standalone name or as a nickname for Janet or Jane.
Popularity and Variants
Janine has been a popular name in English-speaking countries and beyond. Variants of the name include Janina, Janene, and Janice. The name has a timeless appeal and has been used for many generations.
Famous Janines
Several notable individuals bear the name Janine, including musicians, actresses, and athletes. Their contributions have helped to further popularize the name and showcase its versatility.
Celebrate Your Name
If your name is Janine, embrace its meaning of grace and divine gift. Whether you spell it with an "i" or a "y," Janine is a name that exudes elegance and strength.