Usage, description and more for Jesse

Gender: Male Female    Origin: Hebrew
Also available in German, Finnish, French, Dutch, Polish,

Jesse is used in

CHSwitzerland DEGermany AUAustralia CACanada GBUnited Kingdom KEKenya NZNew Zealand SGSingapore USUnited States FIFinland FRFrance NLNetherlands PLPoland

Countries where Jesse has name day

Jesse has a name day in FIFinland and Jesse's next name day is August 13.
Jesse has a name day in FRFrance and Jesse's next name day is November 4.


Jessé is a name of Hebrew origin, meaning "gift" or "God's gift". It has biblical roots and is associated with Jesse, the father of King David in the Old Testament. The name carries a sense of blessing and divine favor.

In modern times, Jessé is a unique and meaningful choice for a baby boy. It reflects a sense of gratitude and acknowledgment of the preciousness of life. Those named Jessé are often seen as special and cherished individuals, bringing joy and positivity to those around them.

The name Jessé has a timeless quality, connecting the past with the present and carrying a sense of tradition and heritage. Its simplicity and elegance make it a popular choice for parents seeking a name with deep significance and spiritual resonance.

Overall, Jessé is a name that conveys warmth, love, and gratitude, making it a beautiful choice for any child.