Usage, description and more for Jiřina
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Jiřina is used in
Countries where Jiřina has name day
Jiřina has a name day in
Czechia and Jiřina's next name day is Februari 15 (next year).
Origin and Meaning of the Name Jirina
The name Jirina is of Czech origin and is a variant of the name Jirí, which is the Czech form of the name George. The name George has Greek origins and means "farmer" or "earthworker." In Czech culture, the name Jirina is considered a feminine form of George and carries a similar meaning related to working the land or farming.
In Czech tradition, names often hold significant meaning and are chosen with care. The name Jirina may be given to girls as a way to honor the qualities associated with hard work, dedication, and connection to the earth. It symbolizes strength, resilience, and groundedness, reflecting the importance of these traits in Czech culture.
Those named Jirina are believed to embody the spirit of George in their own unique way, carrying on the legacy of the name through their actions and character. Whether through their work ethic, nurturing nature, or steadfastness, individuals named Jirina are seen as embodying the essence of the name and its meaning in their daily lives.