Meaning and origin of the name Joanna

Gender: Female

Joanna is used in

Canada United Kingdom United States Finland Poland

Countries where Joanna has name day

Joanna is present in the name day calendar in Finland and Joanna's name day is July 21.
Joanna is present in the name day calendar in Poland and Joanna's name day is Februari 2.
Joanna is present in the name day calendar in Poland and Joanna's name day is Februari 4.
Joanna is present in the name day calendar in Poland and Joanna's name day is Mars 1.
Joanna is present in the name day calendar in Poland and Joanna's name day is May 12.
Joanna is present in the name day calendar in Poland and Joanna's name day is May 24.
Joanna is present in the name day calendar in Poland and Joanna's name day is May 30.
Joanna is present in the name day calendar in Poland and Joanna's name day is August 17.
Joanna is present in the name day calendar in Poland and Joanna's name day is August 21.
Joanna is present in the name day calendar in Poland and Joanna's name day is August 24.
Joanna is present in the name day calendar in Poland and Joanna's name day is August 26.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Joanna

The name Joanna is of Hebrew origin and is derived from the name Yo?anan, which means "God is gracious." It is a feminine form of the name John, a name that has strong biblical roots.

Popularity and Variations

Joanna has been a popular name throughout history and has variations in different languages, such as Johanna in German and Scandinavian countries, Giovanna in Italian, and Juana in Spanish. It has been a favorite choice for parents looking for a name with a classic and timeless appeal.

Famous Namesakes

Several notable figures bear the name Joanna, including Saint Joanna, one of the women who witnessed the resurrection of Jesus in the Bible. In modern times, Joanna Lumley, a British actress known for her roles in television and film, has brought prominence to the name.

Personality Traits

Individuals named Joanna are often described as kind, compassionate, and empathetic. They have a strong sense of justice and fairness, and are known for their ability to bring harmony to their surroundings.

Overall Impression

With its rich history, beautiful meaning, and positive connotations, the name Joanna is a wonderful choice for parents seeking a name that embodies grace, strength, and divine favor.
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