Meaning and origin of the name Jose

Gender: Male
Also available in German,

Jose is used in

Switzerland Canada United States Spain Mexico Brazil Portugal

Countries where Jose has name day

Jose is present in the name day calendar in Spain and Jose's name day is Mars 19.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Jose

The name Jose has Spanish and Portuguese origins. It is a variant of the name Joseph, which comes from the Hebrew name "Yosef." In Hebrew, Yosef means "may He add," reflecting the idea of adding blessings or prosperity. The name has a strong biblical significance, as Joseph was a prominent figure in the Old Testament, known for his wisdom and leadership.

Popularity and Variations

Jose is a popular name in Spanish-speaking countries and is commonly used in various cultures around the world. It is also found in variations such as José, Jozef, and Joseph. The name has a timeless appeal and is a classic choice for boys.

Characteristics and Personality

Individuals named Jose are often described as charismatic, trustworthy, and reliable. They tend to have a strong sense of responsibility and are known for their leadership qualities. Jose is someone who values family and relationships, and they are often seen as supportive and caring individuals.

Famous Bearers

Throughout history, there have been many notable figures named Jose. From famous athletes to influential leaders, Jose has left a mark in various fields. Some well-known bearers of the name include Spanish artist Jose Maria Sert, Mexican boxer Jose Napoles, and Portuguese footballer Jose Mourinho.

In conclusion, the name Jose carries a rich history and a positive meaning, making it a cherished name for many families and individuals around the world.
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