Usage, description and more for Josep-vicenç

Gender: Male     Origin: ES Spain
Also available in Catalan,

Josep-vicenç is used in


Origin and Meaning of the Name Josep-vicenç

The name Josep-vicenç is a combination of two names, "Josep" and "Vicenç", which have Catalan origins.


The name Josep is the Catalan variation of the name Joseph, which is of Hebrew origin. It is derived from the Hebrew name Yosef, meaning "may he add" or "God shall add".


The name Vicenç is also of Catalan origin and is a variation of the name Vincent. Vincent is derived from the Latin name Vincentius, meaning "conquering" or "victorious".

When combined, Josep-vicenç creates a unique and meaningful name that carries the combined origins and meanings of both Josep and Vicenç.