Meaning and origin of the name Jotvingas

Jotvingas is used in


Countries where Jotvingas has name day

Jotvingas is present in the name day calendar in Lithuania and Jotvingas's name day is July 2.


Jotvingas is a masculine name with origins in Lithuanian history and mythology. The name Jotvingas is derived from the Jotvingian people, an ancient Baltic tribe that inhabited the regions of modern-day Lithuania and Poland. The Jotvingians were known for their fierce independence and warrior culture.


The name Jotvingas does not have a specific meaning in Lithuanian, as it is primarily a historical and cultural reference to the Jotvingian tribe. However, it carries connotations of strength, bravery, and resilience, reflecting the characteristics of the ancient Jotvingian people.


While Jotvingas is not a common name in modern usage, it holds significance as a symbol of Lithuanian heritage and history. Those who bear the name Jotvingas may feel a strong connection to the traditions and legacy of the Jotvingian tribe.

Overall, the name Jotvingas is a unique and powerful choice for parents seeking a name with deep historical roots and cultural significance.
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