Usage, description and more for Julien
Gender: Male
Also available in
Julien is used in
United Kingdom
United States
Countries where Julien has name day
Julien has a name day in
Germany and Julien's next name day is Februari 9 (next year).
Julien has a name day in
France and Julien's next name day is August 2.
Origin and Meaning of the Name Julien
The name Julien has Latin origins and is derived from the name Julius. It is the French variation of the name Julian. Julien is a popular name in many French-speaking countries and is also used in English-speaking countries.
Meaning of the Name:
The name Julien means "youthful" or "downy-bearded." It is a name that has a classic and timeless feel to it. Individuals named Julien are often associated with qualities such as creativity, intelligence, and a strong sense of individuality.
Famous Bearers of the Name:
Several notable individuals bear the name Julien, including French philosopher Julien Benda, French musician Julien Doré, and Canadian filmmaker Julien Temple. These individuals have contributed significantly to their respective fields, adding to the name's legacy and reputation.
In conclusion, the name Julien is a dignified and charming choice for a boy, with a rich history and a timeless appeal.