Meaning and origin of the name Juris

Gender: Male

Juris is used in


Countries where Juris has name day

Juris is present in the name day calendar in Latvia and Juris's name day is April 23.


Juris is a Latvian name that has Slavic origins. It is a variant of the name George, which comes from the Greek name Georgios, meaning "farmer" or "earthworker." The name has been popular in Latvia and other Slavic countries for many years.


The name Juris is derived from the Latin name Georgius, which in turn comes from the Greek name Georgios. It has variations in different languages, such as Jürgen in German and George in English.


The name Juris is associated with qualities like hard work, dedication, and a connection to the earth. It symbolizes someone who is reliable, practical, and down-to-earth.

In Latvia, Juris is a popular name for boys and is often used to honor the tradition of naming children after saints. While there is no specific nameday associated with Juris, it is a name that is celebrated and cherished in Latvian culture.

Overall, Juris is a meaningful and timeless name with a rich history and cultural significance in Latvia and beyond.
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