Meaning and origin of the name Jusma

Gender: Female

Jusma is used in


Countries where Jusma has name day

Jusma is present in the name day calendar in Latvia and Jusma's name day is May 31.


Jusma is a unique and captivating name with origins in Latvia. This name is not only beautiful to hear but also holds a special significance.


The name Jusma is of Latvian origin. Latvia is a country in the Baltic region of Northern Europe known for its rich cultural heritage and unique language.


The meaning of the name Jusma is not widely documented, but Latvian names often have roots in nature, mythology, or historical figures. It is possible that Jusma carries a symbolic or poetic meaning.


In Latvia, namedays are an important tradition where each day of the year is associated with a particular name. While specific information about a nameday for Jusma is not readily available, it is possible that this name may have a designated day for celebration.

If you are considering the name Jusma for your child, you are choosing a name that is both rare and full of mystery, making it a truly special and intriguing choice.
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