Meaning and origin of the name Juste

Juste is used in

France Lithuania

Countries where Juste has name day

Juste is present in the name day calendar in France and Juste's name day is October 14.
Juste is present in the name day calendar in Lithuania and Juste's name day is September 26.


Origin and Meaning

The name Juste has Latin roots, deriving from the word "justus" which means "just" or "fair". It is a unisex name, commonly used in French-speaking regions.


In some countries, Juste may have a designated nameday celebration, typically associated with a saint or historical figure named Juste.


The name Juste is not as common as some other names, giving it a unique and distinctive quality. Its simplicity and elegant sound make it a charming choice for parents seeking a less common name with a meaningful significance.

Famous Bearers

Notable individuals with the name Juste include artists, athletes, and scholars who have contributed to various fields, showcasing the diversity and talent associated with the name.

Overall, Juste is a name that reflects qualities of righteousness, integrity, and fairness, making it a thoughtful choice for those who appreciate its meaningful origins and timeless appeal.
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