Meaning and origin of the name Jérôme

Gender: Male
Also available in German, French,

Jérôme is used in

Switzerland Germany Canada United Kingdom Philippines France

Countries where Jérôme has name day

Jérôme is present in the name day calendar in France and Jérôme's name day is September 30.


Jérôme is a French male name of Greek origin. It is derived from the Greek name 'Hierōnymos', composed of the elements 'hieros' meaning "sacred" and 'onyma' meaning "name". The name carries the beautiful meaning of "sacred name".

In addition to its Greek roots, Jérôme has been popular in France and other French-speaking regions. It is a name with a classic and timeless appeal, often associated with individuals who are wise, thoughtful, and compassionate.

Jérôme has a rich history and has been borne by various notable figures throughout the years. The name exudes elegance and sophistication, making it a favored choice for parents seeking a refined and distinguished name for their child.

If you are considering the name Jérôme for your baby boy, you are choosing a name with a significant cultural background and a deep sense of meaning. It is a name that resonates with tradition and carries a sense of honor and respect.
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