Meaning and origin of the name Jøran

Gender: Male
Also available in Norwegian Bokmål,

Jøran is used in

Norway Netherlands

Countries where Jøran has name day

Jøran is present in the name day calendar in Norway and Jøran's name day is July 9.

Origin and Meaning of the Name Jøran

The name Jøran is of Norwegian origin and is derived from the Old Norse name "Jórunnr." The meaning of the name is often interpreted as "horse lover" or "one who loves horses." In ancient Norse culture, horses held great symbolic and practical significance, making a name associated with them highly valued.


In Norway, Jøran does not have a designated nameday, as namedays are not as commonly celebrated in Norwegian culture compared to some other European countries. However, individuals with the name Jøran may choose to celebrate their name on a day that is personally meaningful to them.

The name Jøran carries a sense of strength and connection to nature, reflecting qualities of loyalty, freedom, and grace often associated with horses. Its unique sound and historical roots give it a distinctive charm that can make it a special choice for parents seeking a name with a deep cultural heritage.
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