Meaning and origin of the name Jürje

Jürje is used in


Countries where Jürje has name day

Jürje is present in the name day calendar in Estonia and Jürje's name day is January 30.


Jürje is a unique and intriguing name with Estonian origins. It is a variant of the more common name "George." In Estonian culture, the name Jürje is associated with strength, courage, and leadership.

Meaning of the Name

The name Jürje is derived from the Greek name "Georgios," which means "farmer" or "earthworker." This name has historical significance, often symbolizing resilience and hard work.


In Estonia, the name Jürje may be celebrated on a specific day of the year, depending on the local traditions and customs. Namedays are a common practice in many cultures, where each name is assigned a particular day for celebration.

Overall, Jürje is a meaningful and powerful name that carries a sense of tradition and honor. Its Estonian roots add a distinctive flair to the more familiar name "George," making it a special choice for parents looking for a name with character and history.
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