Meaning and origin of the name Kaarli

Kaarli is used in


Countries where Kaarli has name day

Kaarli is present in the name day calendar in Estonia and Kaarli's name day is January 28.


Origin: The name Kaarli is of Estonian origin.


The name Kaarli is derived from the name Charles, which means "free man" or "manly" in Germanic languages. It is a popular name in Estonia and is often used as a variant of the name Karl.


In Estonia, Kaarli may not have a specific nameday as it is a variation of Karl, which traditionally celebrates on November 4th. However, some families may choose to celebrate Kaarli's nameday on this day as well.

Kaarli is a strong and masculine name with a rich history and a meaningful origin. It carries the essence of freedom and manliness, making it a popular choice for parents seeking a traditional yet unique name for their child.
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