Meaning and origin of the name Kalin‎

Gender: Male
Also available in Bulgarian,

Kalin‎ is used in


Countries where Kalin‎ has name day

Kalin‎ is present in the name day calendar in Bulgaria and Kalin‎'s name day is July 29.


The name Kalin is of Bulgarian origin and is commonly used in Slavic-speaking countries. It is a unisex name, meaning "rosebud" or "flower" in Bulgarian. The name Kalin symbolizes beauty, delicacy, and growth, reflecting the qualities associated with a blossoming flower.

In Bulgarian culture, flowers hold significant symbolism and are often given as gifts to express love, admiration, or gratitude. The name Kalin embodies these sentiments, representing the beauty and grace of nature. It is a timeless name that conveys a sense of freshness and vitality.

Those named Kalin are believed to possess a gentle and nurturing personality, much like the care and attention required to cultivate a flower. The name Kalin is a charming choice for individuals who appreciate nature and its inherent beauty. Whether male or female, Kalin is a name that exudes elegance and sophistication.
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