Usage, description and more for Kartal
Gender: Male
Also available in
Kartal is used in
Origin and Meaning of the Name Kartal
The name Kartal is of Turkish origin and has a strong and powerful meaning. In Turkish, Kartal translates to "eagle". The eagle is a symbol of strength, courage, and freedom in many cultures around the world. Kartal is a name that conveys a sense of majesty and nobility.
Popularity and Usage
While Kartal is a popular name in Turkey, it is less common in other parts of the world. The name Kartal is unique and carries a sense of individuality and distinction.
Celebrities and Namesakes
There are several notable individuals with the name Kartal, further adding to its appeal and significance. Whether in the world of sports, entertainment, or other fields, those who bear the name Kartal are often seen as strong and influential figures.