Meaning and origin of the name Kawa

Gender: Male

Kawa is used in



Kawa is a unisex name of Kurdish origin. In Kurdish culture, the name Kawa is associated with bravery and heroism. It is derived from the legendary blacksmith and hero named Kawa who stood up against the oppressive ruler Zahhak in Kurdish mythology. The name Kawa symbolizes resistance and the fight against tyranny.

In addition to its historical significance, Kawa is a popular name in Kurdish-speaking regions and among the Kurdish diaspora around the world. It is often chosen by parents who admire the strength and courage represented by the legendary figure of Kawa.

If you are considering the name Kawa for your child, you are choosing a name with a rich cultural heritage and a powerful meaning. Embodying the spirit of bravery and defiance, Kawa is a name that carries a strong sense of identity and pride.
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