Meaning and origin of the name Kazimír

Also available in Czech,

Kazimír is used in

Czechia Croatia Slovakia

Countries where Kazimír has name day

Kazimír is present in the name day calendar in Czechia and Kazimír's name day is Mars 5.
Kazimír is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Kazimír's name day is Mars 4.
Kazimír is present in the name day calendar in Croatia and Kazimír's name day is December 1.
Kazimír is present in the name day calendar in Slovakia and Kazimír's name day is Mars 4.


Origin: The name Kazimír is of Slavic origin, derived from the name Kazimierz in Polish and Kaziemír in Czech. It has historical roots in the medieval kingdom of Poland.


The name Kazimír is believed to mean "proclaimer of peace" or "one who brings peace." It is a combination of the Slavic elements "kaziti" meaning "to destroy" and "mír" meaning "peace." Therefore, Kazimír can be interpreted as someone who works towards establishing harmony and tranquility.

In some Slavic cultures, Kazimír is considered a noble and regal name, often associated with qualities of diplomacy, leadership, and peacemaking. It carries a sense of strength and authority, reflecting the historical significance of the name in the royal courts of Poland.


The name Kazimír may have specific nameday celebrations in certain countries or regions where it is popular. While nameday traditions vary, individuals named Kazimír may be honored on a particular day of the year according to the local calendar.

Overall, Kazimír is a name with a rich cultural heritage and a powerful meaning that resonates with ideas of unity and serenity. Its historical connections and symbolic significance make it a distinctive and meaningful choice for those seeking a name with depth and character.
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