Meaning and origin of the name Kefaya

Gender: Female

Kefaya is used in

Saudi Arabia


Origin: Arabic
Meaning: The name Kefaya is of Arabic origin and means "sufficient" or "enough". It is a beautiful name that conveys the idea of being content with what one has and finding satisfaction in simplicity.

In Arabic culture, names often hold deep meanings and significance, reflecting values and beliefs cherished by the community. The name Kefaya embodies the notion of having all that is needed, being complete and fulfilled without the need for more. It carries a sense of self-sufficiency and inner peace, making it a meaningful and positive choice for a name.

If you're considering the name Kefaya for your child, you are embracing a name that not only sounds lovely but also carries a profound message of contentment and fulfillment. Its Arabic roots add a touch of cultural richness and depth, making it a unique and meaningful name choice.
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