Meaning and origin of the name Kenji

Gender: Male

Kenji is used in

Australia United States Japan


Origin: Japanese
Meaning: Intelligent second son

Origin and Meaning

The name Kenji is of Japanese origin. It is a masculine name that carries the beautiful meaning of "intelligent second son." The name reflects the Japanese cultural value placed on intelligence and the significance of birth order within the family structure.

Popularity and Usage

Kenji is a popular name in Japan and is also used by people of Japanese descent worldwide. It is a name that exudes strength, intelligence, and honor. Its simplicity and elegance make it a favored choice among parents looking for a name with a rich cultural heritage.


In Japanese culture, namedays are not as commonly celebrated as in some Western cultures. However, the significance of one's name and its meaning hold a special place in Japanese tradition and family values.

Kenji is a name that embodies wisdom and respect, making it a meaningful choice for those seeking a name with a deep cultural significance. Its popularity both in Japan and around the world showcases its timeless appeal and enduring charm.
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